Thursday, March 8, 2007

Oh, Sweet Serendipity! The "Children Love Great Dictators" series (incomplete)

Surfing for a new header pic to be featured on this blog soon (watch for it!) led me to a site called Wikiality, a Wikipedia parody built around Stephen Colbert's brand of humor. Check it out if you have the time.

What caught my eye in particular was the "Children Love..." series, a collection of alphabetical flash cards that featured dictators and other infamous figureheads instead of the usual assortment of everyday stuff. Truth be told, Wikiality isn't what you'd exactly call "work-safe," so for those of you fearful of offensive or obscene content, here are the pictures for you. So far, I've managed to get hold of only four:

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Adolf Hitler

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Vladimir Lenin

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Chairman Mao

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Joseph Stalin

Please let me know if you find the other letters of the great dictator alphabet. Thanks!